Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the event located?
The Grand Hyatt In The Snowy Egret Room (2nd Floor). 2900 Bayport Dr, Tampa, FL 33607
When is the event?
The event is Friday June 24 starting at 9am.
Is lunch provided?
Yes! We will provide coffee in the morning and a buffet style lunch at noon.
I am a new attorney is this right for me?
Absolutely! These strategies will be for any firm looking to be more efficient and grow predictably. Many of these strategies are designed for small budgets.
I have never done marketing for my firm is this too advanced?
Nope! What we will teach you can be implemented in any firm with any experience level.
Is there are communication channel for this event?
We have a free facebook group you can join!
How do I get my free bonueses?
We will grant you access to these at the event!